[March 22th, 2017] AUTOMECHANIKA HOCHIMINH 2017

by FRIXA posted Apr 11, 2017


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In order to inform customers of our superior products, Frixa Co., Ltd will participate in the Automechanika Hochiminh 2017 from 15th to 17th March and also consult with buyers from Asia.
Through this exhibition, we, Frixa Co., Ltd, will try as hard as we can in order to get more visitors to access our wide range of products and to make them to be our new customers. We look forward to your custom.
Thank you.

■ Exhibition: Automechanika Hochiminh 2017.
■ Host: Korea Industry Exhibition.
■ Venue: Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre(SECC), Vietnam
■ Period: March 15 to 17, 2017 (3days).


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